A colleague of mine recently brought up an interesting point. Does technology actually help our students or is it making things worse? From the time my students wake up to the time they go to bed, they seem consumed with their phones. Taking "selfies" or "duck face" pictures. Phones and music players meant to help us communicate better are taking away from the hands on experience happening everyday. Do they really need more technology? Would a less technological approach be more beneficial? I'm not sure. It is an interesting point. Now more than ever, kids can't spell very well independently. Completing a though also seems extremely difficult. Phones meant to help connect us are only creating a less social world. Real face to face time is an obsolete idea. Writing a note to your girlfriend is long gone. Confronting problems head on has given way to passive aggressive texts or in some cases aggressive texts. Yes, technology is pretty great. However, it's now given us a very easy way to dodge problems.
I suppose the goal for me is to create an exciting and genuine Art experience. We mix real paint, squish real clay, make messes, and clean them up. Sometimes I sprinkle in some technology. It's a great tool but not the only one. Students need to learn how to use their technology to its' advantage and not its' disadvantage. I can't wait to see what it looks like in 5 years.......